St. Bonaventure University


165th Commencement
Sunday, May 18, 2025



Sunday, May 12, 2024

St. 博纳旺蒂尔在第164届毕业典礼上庆祝毕业生

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达美航空首席执行官Ed Bastian, 79年,在SBU第164届年度毕业典礼上讲话


尽管他在商界取得了诸多成功,Ed Bastian提醒St. 周日,博纳旺图尔大学的毕业生们将学到生命中最重要的东西.

“我发现服务的生活是最丰富的生活. Service to your family, service to your employees and co-workers, service to your customers, service to your church, and service to your community,” said Bastian, 1979届毕业生,2016年起担任达美航空首席执行官.

“我们来到这个世界上不是为了索取,不是为了主要为自己服务. 我们最大的回报是帮助别人实现他们的机会, their potential — to be of service to them.”

Bastian, a 25-year Delta veteran, 是该校第164届毕业典礼的主讲人吗, 该机构认可了700多名获得研究生或本科学位的学生. 他曾于2008年获得SBU荣誉博士学位.

Read the complete news release


Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., receives honorary doctorate

Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M.他在典礼上获得了荣誉博士学位.Pictured_Fr. Kevin Mullen, O.F.M., receives an honorary doctorate

前锡耶纳学院校长(2007-2014)是, since 2014, 圣名省的省长,直到圣名省与其他五个美国省份合并.S. 方济各会各省将于2023年10月成为瓜达卢佩圣母省. A trustee of St. Bonaventure自2014年以来,他在SBU董事会的任期将于今年春天到期.

Michael Hickey, chair of the university’s Board of Trustees, 宣读授予马伦荣誉的奖状.

“During his time on our Board, 凯文神父提供了一种宝贵的见解和智慧,只有在高等教育和方济会生活中拥有如此丰富经验的人才能提供给一所深深致力于方济会使命的大学,” Hickey said.



玛雅·亨德森知道她的毕业班是特殊的——历史性的, 这就是为什么她很自豪能担任2024届学生演讲嘉宾的原因.毕业典礼学生演讲者2024玛雅·亨德森

Like her fellow graduates, 在全球COVID-19大流行最可怕、最孤立的时刻,亨德森高中毕业,开始上大学. As a group, 他们分担了戴口罩和保持社交距离的负担,但几乎没有经历过大学生活中正常的第一年趣事.

In her address, Henderson, a Political Science 她让她的同学们回忆一下博纳旺蒂尔是如何帮助塑造他们的.

“即使我们的外表可能不像树一样长, we share more similarities than you may think. Every experience in life is a branch, 每一片记忆都是一片叶子,每一次联系都是新的根,” Henderson said. “It’s no coincidence that our very own St. 阿西西的方济各献身于培养与自然世界的关系. 无论我们离地面多远,我们总是先从我们的根开始生长.”

Learn more about Maya Henderson



Tharini Nagarkar, a Health and Society 来自加州丹维尔的专业学生康纳·雷恩(Connor Raine) Sports Management major from Grand Island, New York, 被评为2024届理想博纳文蒂学生.Pictured_Ideal Bonaventure Students 2024

理想的博纳文蒂学生体现了圣. Bonaventure and the ideals of St. 弗朗西斯通过他们对社区服务和学术卓越的承诺. 他们由一个委员会选出,该委员会考虑来自校园社区的提名.

Angela LaGrou of Marilla, New York, and Richard “Rich” Williams of Randolph, New Jersey, 被选为优秀奖学生. LaGrou is a Behavioral Neuroscience major and Spanish minor major. Williams is a Broadcast Journalism major.

Read the full press release





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ROTC cadets commissioned as second lieutenants

在美国当过军校学员的应届毕业生.S. 陆军预备役军官训练团(ROTC. 博纳旺图尔大学被委任为美国陆军少尉.S. Army on Friday, May 10.Pictured_2024 ROTC Commissioning Ceremony

启用仪式在大学的里贾纳A. Quick Center for the Arts, was followed by the Silver Dollar Salute, 一种传统仪式,每位新上任的军官向第一个向他们敬礼的士兵赠送一枚银币. 学员们选择对他们的成长、教育或训练有帮助的人来获得这一荣誉.

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Medrano, Pientka和Warner教授受到同行的尊敬


Three St. 博纳旺图尔大学的教职员工在大学年度员工大会上获得了优秀奖 & 4月25日星期四举行的教师优秀奖庆祝活动.Pictured_Professors Medrano_Pientka_and Warner

Dr. José Manuel Medrano, 世界语言与文化研究系西班牙语助理教授, received the Junior Faculty Award; Dr. James Pientka, professor of Physics and department chair, received the Professional Excellence in Teaching Award; and Jeffrey Warner, adjunct instructor of Spanish, received the Adjunct Faculty Award.

Read the full news release

Individual school honors and awards ceremonies

School of Arts and Sciences (April 29)
School of Education (May 2)
Jandoli School of Communication (May 3)
School of Business (May 3)

Commencement Week photo galleries

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